Does new desktop processor replacement come with processor fan

When you purchase a new desktop processor, it usually does not come with a processor fan. Here's why:

  1. Separate components: The processor and fan are two separate components, and manufacturers often sell them separately to give customers more flexibility and customization options.
  2. Existing fan infrastructure: If you're upgrading your processor, you likely already have a fan infrastructure in place (e.g., a CPU cooler, case fans, or a liquid cooling system). In this case, you wouldn't need a new fan.
  3. Compatibility concerns: If a new processor fan were included, it might not be compatible with your existing system or motherboard. This could lead to installation issues or compatibility problems.

However, there are some exceptions:

  1. Bundled coolers: Some high-end processors, like Intel Core i9 or AMD Ryzen Threadripper, may come with a bundled cooler that includes a fan. These coolers are designed to provide better cooling performance and are often more expensive.
  2. Specialized coolers: Some manufacturers offer specialized coolers, like liquid cooling solutions, that are designed specifically for their processors. These coolers may include a fan, but they're not always included with the processor itself.
  3. Retailer bundles: Some retailers may offer bundles that include a processor and a fan, but this is not a standard practice.

In summary, when purchasing a new desktop processor, it's unlikely to come with a processor fan. If you need a fan, you'll need to purchase one separately or consider a bundled cooler solution.