Does mercedes give ozil its new product

I think there may be some confusion here!

Mesut Özil is a professional footballer who plays for Arsenal FC and the Turkish national team. He is a highly skilled midfielder known for his exceptional passing ability and vision on the pitch.

Mercedes-Benz, on the other hand, is a German multinational automobile manufacturer that produces luxury vehicles.

There is no evidence to suggest that Mercedes-Benz gives Mesut Özil its new products. Özil is a footballer, not an engineer or a product designer, and he doesn't have any affiliation with Mercedes-Benz's product development process.

Mercedes-Benz's new products are typically designed and developed by their team of engineers, designers, and researchers, who work together to create innovative and high-quality vehicles.

So, to answer your question, no, Mesut Özil does not receive new products from Mercedes-Benz.