Does konga visit the ware house of new sellers

I think there may be some confusion here!

Konga is an e-commerce platform that connects buyers with sellers, and it's not a physical entity that can visit a warehouse. Konga is an online marketplace where sellers can list their products and buyers can purchase them.

As for new sellers, Konga does have a process for onboarding new sellers onto the platform. When a new seller joins Konga, they typically go through a verification process to ensure that they are legitimate and compliant with Konga's policies.

During this process, Konga may request additional information or documentation from the new seller to verify their identity, business registration, and other relevant details. This helps to ensure that the platform remains a safe and trustworthy place for buyers to shop.

Once the new seller is verified, they can start listing their products on the Konga platform, and buyers can start purchasing from them. However, Konga does not physically visit the warehouse of new sellers to verify their inventory or products. Instead, the verification process is typically done remotely through online documentation and communication with the seller.

I hope this clears up any confusion!