Does it snow in new mexico

Yes, it does snow in New Mexico! While the state's climate is generally dry and sunny, the mountains and higher elevations can receive significant snowfall each year.

New Mexico's snowfall varies greatly depending on the location and elevation. Here are some general snowfall averages for different parts of the state:

  1. Mountains: The mountains of New Mexico, including the Sangre de Cristo, Jemez, and San Juan Mountains, receive significant snowfall each year. Some areas, like Taos Ski Valley, can receive over 300 inches (762 cm) of snow per year!
  2. Northern New Mexico: The northern part of the state, including cities like Albuquerque and Santa Fe, typically receives moderate snowfall, with averages ranging from 10-20 inches (25-51 cm) per year.
  3. Southern New Mexico: The southern part of the state, including cities like Las Cruces and Roswell, tends to receive less snow, with averages ranging from 5-10 inches (13-25 cm) per year.
  4. High-desert areas: The high-desert areas of New Mexico, such as the Chihuahuan Desert, typically receive very little snow, with averages often below 1 inch (2.5 cm) per year.

Some notable snowfall events in New Mexico include:

Keep in mind that snowfall in New Mexico can vary greatly from year to year, and it's always a good idea to check current weather forecasts and road conditions if you're planning to visit or travel through the state during the winter months.