Does installing new windows 8 delete everything

Installing a new copy of Windows 8 (or any other operating system) will erase all data on the computer, including:

  1. Files and documents
  2. Programs and applications
  3. Settings and configurations
  4. User accounts and passwords
  5. System files and registry entries

This is because the installation process will overwrite the existing operating system and all its contents. If you want to keep your data, you should back it up before installing the new operating system.

Here are some steps you can take to minimize data loss:

  1. Backup your files: Copy all your important files, documents, and data to an external hard drive, USB drive, or cloud storage service like OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox.
  2. Backup your programs: If you have installed programs or applications, you may need to reinstall them after installing the new operating system. Make sure you have the installation media or download links for each program.
  3. Backup your settings: If you have customized your Windows 8 settings, such as desktop backgrounds, screen savers, or browser settings, you may want to write them down or take screenshots before installing the new operating system.
  4. Use the Windows 8 built-in backup tool: Windows 8 has a built-in backup tool called File History that can help you backup your files and settings. You can access it by going to Settings > Change PC settings > Update and recovery > Backup.

After backing up your data, you can proceed with the installation of the new Windows 8 operating system. During the installation process, you will be prompted to choose whether to erase the existing operating system or install alongside it. If you choose to erase the existing operating system, all data will be lost.

Remember to always back up your data before making significant changes to your computer's operating system.