Does government of canada provide accomodation for new permanent residence

The Government of Canada does provide some assistance with accommodation for new permanent residents, but it's limited and depends on certain circumstances. Here are some options:

  1. Assistance with finding accommodation: The Government of Canada's Settlement Program provides funding to organizations that help new immigrants find affordable housing. These organizations may offer temporary accommodation, such as shared housing or hostels, while the individual searches for a permanent place to live.
  2. Rent Bank Program: The Rent Bank Program is a national initiative that provides short-term financial assistance to help low-income households, including new immigrants, pay their rent. The program is administered by local organizations and is available in some cities across Canada.
  3. Housing Allowance: Some provinces and territories offer a housing allowance or rent supplement to help low-income individuals, including new immigrants, pay their rent. For example, the Province of Ontario offers a Rent Bank Program, and the City of Toronto has a Rent Bank Program.
  4. Government-assisted housing: In some cases, the Government of Canada may provide government-assisted housing to new immigrants who are in need of temporary accommodation. This can include shared housing or hostels.

However, it's important to note that these options are limited and may not be available to all new permanent residents. Additionally, the Government of Canada does not provide long-term accommodation assistance or permanent housing solutions.

New permanent residents are generally expected to find their own accommodation and make their own arrangements for housing. However, some organizations and community groups may offer additional support and resources to help new immigrants settle and find affordable housing.

If you're a new permanent resident, you may want to consider the following:

Remember to also explore other resources and services available to new immigrants, such as language training, job placement, and cultural orientation programs, to help you settle and integrate into Canadian society.