Does fiverr give new seller compare packages

Yes, Fiverr offers a "Compare Packages" feature for new sellers. This feature allows new sellers to compare their packages with those of other sellers in their category, helping them to better understand the market and set competitive prices for their services.

Here's how it works:

  1. When you create a new seller account on Fiverr, you'll be prompted to set up your packages. You'll be asked to choose a package type (e.g., Basic, Standard, Premium) and set the price for each package.
  2. As you set up your packages, Fiverr will automatically generate a comparison chart that shows the prices and services offered by other sellers in your category.
  3. This comparison chart will help you to see how your packages stack up against those of other sellers, allowing you to adjust your prices and services accordingly.
  4. You can also use the comparison chart to identify gaps in the market and opportunities to differentiate your services from those of other sellers.

The "Compare Packages" feature is designed to help new sellers get started on Fiverr and establish a competitive presence in the market. By comparing your packages with those of other sellers, you can:

It's worth noting that the "Compare Packages" feature is only available for new sellers who are setting up their packages for the first time. Once you've set up your packages, you won't be able to access the comparison chart again.