Does facebook require a picture upload for new accounts

According to Facebook's official guidelines, a profile picture is not strictly required to create a new account. However, Facebook does encourage users to upload a profile picture to help others identify them.

When you sign up for a new Facebook account, you can choose to upload a profile picture or skip this step for now. If you choose to skip it, Facebook will automatically generate a default profile picture for you, which is a generic icon.

However, if you want to customize your profile picture, you can upload one from your computer or mobile device. Facebook recommends using a square image with a minimum size of 180x180 pixels, but you can upload images of any size and Facebook will resize them for you.

It's worth noting that Facebook may ask you to upload a profile picture if you're trying to verify your account or if you're creating a business or organization page. In these cases, a profile picture is required to help establish your identity or brand.

So, to summarize: while a profile picture is not strictly required to create a new Facebook account, it's highly recommended to upload one to help others identify you and to customize your profile.