Does facebook favor older ad accounts to new ones

The age-old question!

Facebook's algorithm does take into account the age of an ad account, but it's not a straightforward answer. Here's what we know:

  1. Newer ad accounts may have an advantage: Facebook's algorithm is designed to favor newer ad accounts that are actively running ads and showing good performance. This is because newer accounts are more likely to be actively managed and optimized, which can lead to better ad performance.
  2. Older ad accounts may have an advantage in certain situations: However, older ad accounts may have an advantage in certain situations, such as:
    • Established brand recognition: If an older ad account has a strong brand presence and recognition, Facebook may favor it over newer accounts.
    • Consistent ad spend: If an older ad account has consistently spent money on ads over time, Facebook may view it as a reliable and trustworthy advertiser.
    • High-quality ad content: If an older ad account has consistently created high-quality ad content, Facebook may favor it over newer accounts.
  3. Facebook's algorithm is complex: Facebook's algorithm is constantly evolving and takes into account many factors beyond just the age of an ad account. These factors include:
    • Ad relevance and engagement
    • Ad click-through rates (CTRs) and conversion rates
    • Ad spend and budget
    • Ad targeting and audience selection
    • Ad creative and format
    • Landing page quality and relevance
  4. Newer ad accounts can still succeed: While older ad accounts may have an advantage, newer ad accounts can still succeed if they:
    • Create high-quality ad content
    • Target the right audience
    • Optimize their ads for better performance
    • Consistently spend money on ads

In summary, while Facebook's algorithm may favor older ad accounts in certain situations, it's not a guarantee of success. Newer ad accounts can still succeed if they focus on creating high-quality ad content, targeting the right audience, and optimizing their ads for better performance.