Does clickbank university have new products for its affiliate

ClickBank University (CBU) is a training platform that focuses on teaching affiliate marketing and promoting ClickBank products. While CBU does offer some exclusive products and tools to its members, it's not a traditional affiliate network that offers a vast array of new products to promote.

However, as a CBU member, you'll have access to:

  1. ClickBank Marketplace: CBU members can browse and promote products from the ClickBank marketplace, which features thousands of digital products across various niches.
  2. Exclusive Offers: CBU occasionally releases exclusive offers, which are limited-time promotions or special deals on specific products. These offers are only available to CBU members.
  3. New Product Launches: ClickBank regularly launches new products, and CBU members may have access to these new products before they're available to the general public.
  4. CBU's Product Line: CBU has its own product line, which includes digital products like e-books, software, and courses. These products are designed to help affiliates earn commissions and promote the CBU platform.

To give you a better idea, here are some examples of products that CBU members have promoted in the past:

While CBU doesn't offer a vast array of new products every day, the platform provides a solid foundation for affiliate marketing training and promotes a variety of products through its marketplace and exclusive offers.