Does calvary cemetery new york have an office building

Calvary Cemetery in Queens, New York, is a large Catholic cemetery operated by the Archdiocese of New York. While it is primarily a burial ground, it does have a few administrative buildings and facilities on site.

According to the Archdiocese of New York's website, Calvary Cemetery has a cemetery office located on the grounds, which is responsible for managing the cemetery's operations, including burial arrangements, grave maintenance, and record-keeping. The office is open Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and is closed on weekends and holidays.

Additionally, there is a chapel on the grounds, which is available for private masses and other religious services. The chapel is also used for special events and ceremonies, such as weddings and anniversaries.

There are no high-rise office buildings or commercial properties within Calvary Cemetery, as it is primarily a sacred space for burial and remembrance. The cemetery's focus is on providing a peaceful and dignified environment for the deceased and their loved ones, rather than on commercial or business activities.

If you're planning to visit Calvary Cemetery or need to contact the cemetery office, you can find more information on the Archdiocese of New York's website or by calling (718) 457-1100.