Does altimate allocate new members to join under existing members

You're asking about Altitude, a network marketing company!

According to Altitude's compensation plan and policies, new members can join under existing members, which is a common practice in network marketing. This is often referred to as "sponsoring" or "recruiting" new members under your sponsorship.

Here's how it typically works:

  1. Existing members (upliners) can sponsor new members (downliners) by sharing the opportunity with them and helping them join the company.
  2. When a new member joins under an existing member, the existing member becomes their upline, and the new member becomes their downline.
  3. The upline earns commissions and bonuses on the sales and purchases made by their downline, as well as on the sales and purchases made by their downline's downlines (and so on).

By joining under an existing member, new members can benefit from their mentorship, guidance, and support as they build their own business. Existing members, on the other hand, can earn additional income and build their team by sponsoring new members.

It's worth noting that Altitude, like many other network marketing companies, has policies and guidelines in place to ensure that new members are properly sponsored and that the company's compensation plan is followed.