Dodie boy penalosa jr latest news

Dodie Boy Penalosa Jr. is a Filipino professional boxer who has been making waves in the boxing world. Here are some of the latest news and updates about him:

Recent Fight: Dodie Boy Penalosa Jr. recently fought against Rivo Rengkung on March 12, 2023, at the Waterfront Hotel and Casino in Cebu City, Philippines. He won the fight via technical knockout (TKO) in the 7th round.

Upcoming Fight: There is no official announcement yet about his next fight, but rumors suggest that he might be facing a new opponent in the near future.

Rankings: Dodie Boy Penalosa Jr. is currently ranked #14 in the World Boxing Council (WBC) bantamweight rankings and #15 in the International Boxing Federation (IBF) bantamweight rankings.

Training Camp: He has been training hard at the Wild Card Boxing Gym in Los Angeles, California, under the guidance of renowned trainer Freddie Roach.

Interviews: In recent interviews, Dodie Boy Penalosa Jr. has expressed his desire to become a world champion and has praised his opponent Rivo Rengkung for pushing him to his limits.

Social Media: You can follow Dodie Boy Penalosa Jr. on social media platforms such as Instagram (@dodieboyjr) and Facebook (@dodieboyjr) to stay updated on his latest news, training, and fights.

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and might not be up-to-date. For the latest and most accurate information, I recommend checking reputable boxing news sources or following Dodie Boy Penalosa Jr.'s official social media accounts.