Documentation for pro news ticker

I'm assuming you're referring to the Pro News Ticker, a popular plugin for WordPress websites. Here's a comprehensive documentation to help you get started:


The Pro News Ticker is a WordPress plugin that allows you to display a scrolling news ticker on your website. It's designed to keep your visitors informed about the latest news, updates, and announcements from your website or other sources.


  1. Download the Pro News Ticker plugin from the WordPress plugin directory or from a reputable source.
  2. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the Plugins page.
  3. Click the "Add New" button and upload the plugin file.
  4. Activate the plugin.
  5. Follow the setup wizard to configure the plugin.


  1. Ticker Settings: Go to Settings > Pro News Ticker to configure the plugin.
    • Ticker Width: Set the width of the ticker in pixels.
    • Ticker Height: Set the height of the ticker in pixels.
    • Ticker Speed: Set the speed of the ticker in seconds.
    • Ticker Direction: Choose the direction of the ticker (left to right or right to left).
  2. News Sources: Add news sources to the plugin by clicking the "Add News Source" button.
    • News Source Name: Enter a name for the news source.
    • News Source URL: Enter the URL of the news source.
    • News Source Format: Choose the format of the news source (RSS, JSON, or XML).
  3. Ticker Content: Choose the content to display in the ticker by selecting the news source(s) and the number of items to display.


  1. Ticker Style: Customize the appearance of the ticker by adding custom CSS or using the built-in styles.
  2. Ticker Position: Choose the position of the ticker on your website (top, bottom, left, or right).
  3. Ticker Animation: Choose the animation effect for the ticker (fade, slide, or none).


  1. Common Issues: Check the plugin's documentation for common issues and solutions.
  2. Plugin Support: Contact the plugin author or seek support from the WordPress community if you encounter any issues.

Additional Tips

  1. Use a caching plugin: To improve performance, use a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache.
  2. Monitor your website's performance: Use tools like Pingdom or GTmetrix to monitor your website's performance and optimize it for better speed.
  3. Keep your plugin up to date: Regularly update the Pro News Ticker plugin to ensure you have the latest features and security patches.

By following this documentation, you should be able to set up and customize the Pro News Ticker plugin on your WordPress website. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!