Do you needto charge a new smartphone to 100 percent

In the past, it was recommended to charge a new smartphone to 100% to ensure the battery was properly calibrated. This was because some older smartphones used a technique called "trickle charging" to top off the battery when it was fully charged. Trickle charging would slowly charge the battery to 100% and then stop, which could affect the battery's ability to hold a charge over time.

However, most modern smartphones no longer use trickle charging, and many manufacturers have changed their charging algorithms to be more efficient and accurate. As a result, it's no longer necessary to charge a new smartphone to 100% to ensure proper calibration.

In fact, charging a new smartphone to 100% can actually be counterproductive. Here's why:

  1. Overcharging: Modern smartphones have built-in protection against overcharging, which prevents the battery from being damaged by excessive charging. However, charging to 100% can still cause the battery to heat up and potentially reduce its lifespan.
  2. Battery degradation: Lithium-ion batteries, like those used in most smartphones, degrade over time due to charge cycles. Each charge cycle (i.e., charging from 0% to 100%) causes a small amount of degradation. By charging to 100% unnecessarily, you're increasing the number of charge cycles and potentially reducing the battery's overall lifespan.
  3. Inaccurate battery level readings: Some smartphones may display inaccurate battery level readings if the battery is charged to 100% and then left plugged in. This can cause the phone to think the battery is still fully charged, even if it's not.

So, what's the best approach?

  1. Charge your smartphone when the battery level falls to around 20-30%. This allows the battery to maintain its health and reduces the risk of overcharging.
  2. Avoid leaving your phone plugged in for extended periods. If you're not using your phone, unplug it to prevent overcharging.
  3. Keep your phone's software up to date. Many modern smartphones have built-in features that help manage battery health and charging.

In summary, while it's no longer necessary to charge a new smartphone to 100% to ensure proper calibration, it's still important to charge your phone responsibly to maintain its battery health and lifespan.