Do you have to charge your new device to 100

When you first get a new device, it's common to charge it to 100% to ensure the battery is fully calibrated. This is especially important for devices with lithium-ion batteries, like smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Calibrating the battery means allowing the device to fully discharge and then recharge to 100%. This helps the device's battery management system (BMS) learn the battery's capacity and optimize its performance.

Here's why calibrating the battery is important:

  1. Accurate battery level readings: Calibrating the battery ensures that the device's battery level indicator shows accurate readings. If the battery is not fully calibrated, the device may not accurately report its battery level.
  2. Prevents overcharging: Overcharging can cause battery degradation and reduce its lifespan. Calibrating the battery helps prevent overcharging by allowing the device to stop charging when the battery is fully charged.
  3. Improves battery performance: Calibrating the battery helps the device's BMS optimize battery performance, which can lead to better battery life, faster charging times, and reduced heat generation.

However, it's worth noting that modern devices often have more advanced battery management systems that can handle calibration automatically. In these cases, you may not need to manually calibrate the battery.

To calibrate your new device's battery, follow these general steps:

  1. Charge the device to 100%.
  2. Use the device until the battery is completely drained (0%).
  3. Charge the device to 100% again.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 a few times to ensure the battery is fully calibrated.

After calibrating your device's battery, you can use it as you normally would, and the battery should provide accurate readings and perform optimally.