Do usa witness happy new month

I think there may be a bit of confusion here!

In the United States, people typically celebrate the start of a new month, but not with the same level of fanfare as the start of a new year (January 1st). The start of a new month is not a widely recognized or celebrated event in American culture.

However, some people may choose to mark the start of a new month with a small celebration or ritual, such as:

  1. Setting new goals or intentions for the month.
  2. Reflecting on the past month and what they've accomplished.
  3. Making a fresh start or rebooting their habits.
  4. Celebrating a personal milestone, such as a birthday or anniversary.

But it's not a widespread cultural practice to celebrate the start of a new month with parties, fireworks, or other festivities like some countries do.

So, to answer your question, while some individuals may choose to acknowledge the start of a new month, it's not a widely recognized or celebrated event in the United States.