Do the boks need to hire an attack coach

The question on many a rugby fan's mind!

The South African national rugby union team, also known as the Springboks, have been struggling with their attacking game in recent years. While they have had some successes, particularly in the Rugby World Cup, their attacking play has often been criticized for being predictable and lacking creativity.

Given this, it's not surprising that there are calls for the Springboks to hire an attack coach to help improve their attacking game. Here are some arguments for and against:

Arguments for hiring an attack coach:

  1. Fresh perspective: An attack coach could bring a new and innovative approach to the Springboks' attacking game, which could help to shake things up and get the team out of their comfort zone.
  2. Specialized expertise: An attack coach would have a deep understanding of attacking rugby and could help the Springboks to develop a more effective and varied attack.
  3. Increased competition: With an attack coach, the Springboks would have to compete with other teams that have similar coaches, which could push them to improve and innovate.

Arguments against hiring an attack coach:

  1. Existing coaching structure: The Springboks already have a well-established coaching structure, with Rassie Erasmus as the Director of Rugby and Jacques Nienaber as the Head Coach. Adding another coach to the mix could create confusion and disrupt the team's dynamics.
  2. Cost: Hiring an attack coach would likely require a significant investment, which could be a challenge for the South African Rugby Union (SARU) given the current financial constraints in the sport.
  3. Risk of disrupting team dynamics: As mentioned earlier, adding a new coach to the mix could disrupt the team's dynamics and create tension among the players and coaches.

Ultimately, whether or not the Springboks need to hire an attack coach is a decision that will depend on the team's performance and the coaching staff's assessment of their needs. If the team continues to struggle with their attacking game, it may be worth considering bringing in an attack coach to help them improve. However, if the team is able to adapt and improve their attacking game without an attack coach, then it may not be necessary.