Do i need new atas certificate after losing my passport

If you've lost your passport, you'll need to report it to the relevant authorities and obtain a replacement passport. In the meantime, your APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) may still be valid, but it's recommended to obtain a new one with your new passport.

Here's what you should do:

  1. Report your lost passport: Inform the relevant authorities, such as your country's passport agency or the embassy/consulate of your country in the country where you lost your passport.
  2. Apply for a replacement passport: Obtain a new passport from your country's passport agency or the embassy/consulate of your country.
  3. Check with the APEC Secretariat: Contact the APEC Secretariat or the relevant APEC member economy's immigration authority to confirm whether you need to obtain a new ABTC with your new passport.

In general, if you've lost your passport, you'll need to:

It's essential to note that the validity of your ABTC may depend on the specific circumstances of your lost passport. If your ABTC was linked to your lost passport, you may need to obtain a new one to ensure continued travel privileges under the APEC scheme.

Remember to always keep your passport and ABTC in a safe and secure location to avoid losing them in the future.