Do away with people who dont impact on our lives angela okorie tell fans

It seems like you're quoting a statement from Nigerian actress Angela Okorie. Here's a breakdown of what she might be saying:

Angela Okorie is advising her fans to focus on people who positively impact their lives and to "do away" with those who don't. In essence, she's encouraging her fans to surround themselves with people who uplift, support, and inspire them, and to distance themselves from those who bring negativity or harm.

This message is likely aimed at promoting a positive and supportive community, where individuals can grow and thrive. By surrounding themselves with people who care about their well-being, fans can build stronger relationships, gain valuable insights, and develop a more positive outlook on life.

In essence, Angela Okorie is urging her fans to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being by being mindful of the company they keep and to focus on nurturing relationships that bring joy and positivity into their lives.