Do's and don ts for new employees

Here are some common "do's" and "don'ts" for new employees:


  1. Be punctual: Arrive on time for your first day and every day thereafter. This sets a good impression and shows respect for your colleagues and supervisors.
  2. Be prepared: Review company policies, procedures, and expectations before your first day. Bring any necessary documents, such as ID and insurance cards.
  3. Introduce yourself: Take the initiative to introduce yourself to your colleagues and supervisors. Make eye contact, smile, and be friendly.
  4. Ask questions: Don't be afraid to ask questions if you're unsure about something. It's better to clarify than to make a mistake.
  5. Take notes: Take notes during training sessions, meetings, and discussions. This helps you remember important information and shows that you're committed to learning.
  6. Be proactive: Take initiative to learn new tasks and responsibilities. Volunteer for projects and tasks that align with your role.
  7. Communicate effectively: Communicate clearly and respectfully with your colleagues and supervisors. Use email, phone, or in-person communication as needed.
  8. Respect company policies: Familiarize yourself with company policies and procedures. Follow them to ensure a smooth transition and avoid any issues.
  9. Be open-minded: Be willing to learn and adapt to new processes, technologies, and ideas.
  10. Show enthusiasm: Demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for your role and the company. This can help you build strong relationships with your colleagues and supervisors.


  1. Don't be late: Punctuality is crucial, especially on your first day. Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early to account for any unexpected delays.
  2. Don't be unprepared: Make sure you have all necessary documents and information before your first day. This shows that you're responsible and organized.
  3. Don't be negative: Avoid complaining or gossiping about your previous job or colleagues. Focus on the positive aspects of your new role and company.
  4. Don't be too proud to ask for help: Don't hesitate to ask for guidance or support from your colleagues or supervisors. It's okay to not know everything, and asking for help is a sign of strength.
  5. Don't be disorganized: Keep your workspace organized and tidy. This helps you stay focused and productive, and also sets a good example for your colleagues.
  6. Don't be too critical: Avoid criticizing your colleagues or supervisors, especially during your first few weeks. Focus on learning and improving your own performance.
  7. Don't be dishonest: Be truthful and transparent in your work. Avoid exaggerating or misrepresenting your skills or experience.
  8. Don't be unprofessional: Avoid using slang, jargon, or unprofessional language in the workplace. Dress appropriately and maintain a professional demeanor.
  9. Don't be too rigid: Be flexible and adaptable. Be willing to adjust to changes or unexpected situations.
  10. Don't be too secretive: Share your goals, progress, and challenges with your colleagues and supervisors. This helps build trust and collaboration.

Remember, your first few weeks on the job are crucial in setting the tone for your career with the company. By following these "do's" and "don'ts," you can make a positive impression and set yourself up for success.