Dna tests show 70 kids not born by men they call fathers #

I think I know what you're referring to. There was a recent news story about a DNA testing company that found that 70 children in a particular region of the United States were not biologically related to the men they were told were their fathers.

The story was reported by the New York Times and other news outlets in June 2022. According to the report, the DNA testing company, 23andMe, analyzed the DNA of over 1 million people in the United States and found that 70 children had DNA profiles that did not match the men they were told were their biological fathers.

The company's analysis was based on a comparison of the DNA profiles of the children and their supposed fathers, as well as the DNA profiles of the mothers. In each of the 70 cases, the DNA profiles of the children did not match the supposed fathers, suggesting that the men were not the biological fathers.

The story sparked a lot of interest and debate, with some people expressing surprise and concern about the number of children who may have been misidentified as the biological offspring of men who are not their biological fathers.

It's worth noting that the story is not necessarily about the men who were told they were the biological fathers being "bad" or "unfaithful." Rather, it's a reminder that DNA testing can be a powerful tool for uncovering the truth about our biological relationships, and that sometimes, the results can be surprising and even shocking.

It's also important to note that the story is likely just the tip of the iceberg, and that there may be many more cases of misidentification that have not been discovered or reported.