Djibouti china news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Djibouti-China relations:

Recent Developments:

  1. China's military base in Djibouti: In 2017, China opened its first overseas military base in Djibouti, which is located near the strategic port of Berbera. The base is part of China's efforts to expand its military presence in the region and protect its interests in the Horn of Africa.
  2. Infrastructure development: China has invested heavily in Djibouti's infrastructure, including the construction of a new international airport, a railway connecting Djibouti to Ethiopia, and a highway connecting Djibouti to Ethiopia and Somalia.
  3. Economic cooperation: Djibouti and China have signed several economic cooperation agreements, including a free trade agreement and a cooperation agreement on agriculture, energy, and industry.
  4. Security cooperation: Djibouti and China have also signed several security cooperation agreements, including a cooperation agreement on counter-terrorism and a memorandum of understanding on defense cooperation.

Recent News Articles:

  1. "China's military base in Djibouti: A game-changer in the Horn of Africa?" (The Diplomat, March 2020)
  2. "Djibouti and China sign cooperation agreements on infrastructure and economy" (Xinhua News Agency, February 2020)
  3. "China's presence in Djibouti: A challenge to US influence in the Horn of Africa?" (Al Jazeera, January 2020)
  4. "Djibouti and China sign agreement on defense cooperation" (China Daily, December 2019)
  5. "China's Belt and Road Initiative: A new era of cooperation between Djibouti and China?" (The East African, November 2019)

Key Players:

  1. President Ismail Omar Guelleh: The President of Djibouti, who has been in power since 1999 and has been a key partner for China in the region.
  2. Chinese Ambassador to Djibouti: The Chinese Ambassador to Djibouti, who has been instrumental in promoting bilateral relations between the two countries.
  3. Djibouti's Foreign Minister: The Foreign Minister of Djibouti, who has been a key player in promoting bilateral relations between Djibouti and China.


  1. US-China competition: The increasing competition between the US and China in the region has created tensions between Djibouti and the two countries.
  2. Regional security concerns: The presence of Chinese military personnel in Djibouti has raised concerns about regional security and the potential for conflict.
  3. Economic challenges: Djibouti's economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid and investment, which has created economic challenges for the country.

Overall, the relationship between Djibouti and China is complex and multifaceted, with both countries benefiting from their cooperation in areas such as infrastructure development, economic cooperation, and security cooperation. However, the relationship is also subject to challenges and tensions, particularly in the context of US-China competition in the region.