Django register a new site in shell

To register a new site in Django using the shell, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to your Django project directory.

  2. Run the following command to start the Django shell:

    python shell

    This will open a Python interpreter with the Django project's settings loaded.

  3. In the shell, import the sites module:

    from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
  4. Create a new site object:

    site = Site(domain='', name='Example')

    Replace with the domain name of your new site.

  5. Save the site object:

    This will create a new site in the django_site table in your database.

  6. Verify that the site has been created by running:


    This should return a list of all sites in your database, including the new site you just created.

That's it! Your new site is now registered in Django.

Note: If you want to register a site with a specific ID, you can specify the id parameter when creating the site object:

site = Site(id=1, domain='', name='Example')

Make sure to adjust the id value to a unique integer that doesn't conflict with existing sites in your database.