Ditty news ticker tutorial

The Ditty News Ticker! It's a fun and interactive way to display news headlines and updates on your Discord server. Here's a step-by-step tutorial to get you started:


  1. A Discord server with a role hierarchy (i.e., a server with multiple roles and channels).
  2. The Ditty bot added to your Discord server (you can invite it by clicking this link: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=742351164554111434&permissions=8&scope=bot).
  3. A basic understanding of Discord's role hierarchy and channel management.

Step 1: Create a Channel for the News Ticker

  1. Create a new channel in your Discord server where you want the news ticker to appear. You can name it something like "News Ticker" or "Breaking News".
  2. Make sure the channel is set to a role that has the necessary permissions to receive messages from the Ditty bot.

Step 2: Configure the Ditty Bot

  1. Go to the Ditty bot's settings page by typing /ditty settings in a channel where the bot has permission to send messages.
  2. In the settings page, scroll down to the "News Ticker" section.
  3. Enable the "News Ticker" feature by toggling the switch to the "On" position.
  4. Set the "Ticker Channel" to the channel you created in Step 1.
  5. Choose the "Ticker Interval" (in seconds) to determine how often the bot will update the news ticker.

Step 3: Add News Sources

  1. Go to the Ditty bot's settings page again.
  2. In the "News Sources" section, click the "Add Source" button.
  3. Enter the URL of a news website or RSS feed you want to use as a news source.
  4. Choose the "Source Type" (e.g., RSS, JSON, or HTML).
  5. Set the "Source Name" to a descriptive name for the news source (e.g., "CNN News" or "The New York Times").

Step 4: Customize the News Ticker

  1. Go to the Ditty bot's settings page again.
  2. In the "News Ticker" section, you can customize the appearance of the news ticker by setting the "Ticker Format" and "Ticker Length".
  3. You can also set the "Ticker Font" and "Ticker Color" to match your server's branding.

Step 5: Test the News Ticker

  1. Go to the channel where you set up the news ticker.
  2. Wait for the Ditty bot to update the news ticker (based on the interval you set).
  3. Check that the news ticker is displaying the correct information from your chosen news sources.

That's it! With these steps, you should now have a functional news ticker on your Discord server using the Ditty bot.