Distance from toronto to new orleans on train

There is no direct train from Toronto to New Orleans. However, you can take a train from Toronto to Chicago and then transfer to another train to continue your journey to New Orleans. Here's a possible route:

  1. Toronto to Chicago:
    • VIA Rail Canada operates a daily train service from Toronto's Union Station to Chicago's Union Station. The journey takes around 19 hours, depending on the type of train and the route.
    • You can take the VIA Rail train from Toronto to Windsor, Ontario, and then transfer to Amtrak's Lake Shore Limited train to continue to Chicago.
  2. Chicago to New Orleans:
    • Amtrak operates multiple daily trains from Chicago's Union Station to New Orleans' Union Station. The journey takes around 19-20 hours, depending on the type of train and the route.
    • You can take the Amtrak City of New Orleans train, which runs daily, or the Amtrak Crescent train, which runs multiple times a week.

Here's a sample itinerary:

Please note that this is just one possible route and schedule, and you should check with VIA Rail and Amtrak for the latest schedules and fares. Additionally, you may need to transfer trains in Chicago, so be sure to plan accordingly.