Distance from springdale arkansas to new porr ar

According to Google Maps, the driving distance from Springdale, Arkansas to Newport, Arkansas is approximately 120 miles (193 kilometers). The estimated drive time is around 2 hours and 15 minutes, depending on traffic and road conditions.

Here's a breakdown of the route:

  1. From Springdale, take US-412 W towards Fayetteville
  2. Continue on US-412 W for approximately 60 miles
  3. Merge onto I-40 W towards Little Rock
  4. Stay on I-40 W for approximately 20 miles
  5. Take exit 233 for AR-14 W towards Newport
  6. Follow AR-14 W for approximately 10 miles to reach Newport

Please note that these directions and estimated drive time are subject to change, and you should always check for updates before embarking on your journey.