Distance from rochester new york to manhattan
The distance from Rochester, New York to Manhattan, New York is approximately 230 miles (370 kilometers). The drive typically takes around 4-5 hours depending on traffic and the route you take.
Here are the most common routes and estimated drive times:
- Via I-90 W and I-87 S: 230 miles, 4 hours 15 minutes
- Via I-490 W and I-87 S: 235 miles, 4 hours 20 minutes
- Via US-104 W and I-87 S: 240 miles, 4 hours 25 minutes
Keep in mind that traffic, road conditions, and construction can affect the actual drive time, so be sure to check for updates before embarking on your journey.
If you prefer not to drive, there are also public transportation options available:
- Amtrak train: The Empire Service train runs from Rochester's Union Station to New York City's Penn Station, with a journey time of around 5 hours.
- Greyhound bus: Greyhound operates bus services from Rochester's Greyhound Station to New York City's Port Authority Bus Terminal, with a journey time of around 5-6 hours.
- Megabus: Megabus operates bus services from Rochester's Megabus Stop to New York City's Megabus Stop, with a journey time of around 5-6 hours.
Please note that public transportation options may have varying schedules and prices, so it's best to check with the relevant transportation providers for the most up-to-date information.