Distance from new york to washington dc by car
The driving distance from New York City to Washington D.C. is approximately 225 miles (362 kilometers). The estimated drive time is around 4-5 hours, depending on traffic and the route you take.
Here are the most common routes and estimated drive times:
- Via I-95 S: 225 miles, 4 hours 15 minutes
- Via I-95 S and I-495 S: 230 miles, 4 hours 30 minutes
- Via US-1 S: 240 miles, 5 hours
Keep in mind that traffic in the Washington D.C. area can be heavy, especially during rush hour or construction periods. It's a good idea to check for traffic updates and construction before embarking on your trip.
Additionally, you may want to consider the following tips to make your trip more enjoyable:
- Leave early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid rush hour traffic
- Take regular breaks to rest and stretch your legs
- Use a GPS or mapping app to get real-time traffic updates and turn-by-turn directions
- Consider using a traffic app like Waze or Google Maps to help you navigate through heavy traffic
- Be prepared for tolls along the way, especially on the I-95 corridor