Distance from new york to shelburne vermont by bus

A lovely trip to Shelburne, Vermont!

The distance from New York City to Shelburne, Vermont is approximately 220 miles (354 km). The travel time by bus depends on the route, traffic, and the type of bus service you choose. Here are some options:

  1. Greyhound: The journey takes around 4-5 hours, with multiple departures throughout the day. The fare starts at around $30-$40 one way.
  2. Megabus: The trip takes around 4-5 hours, with multiple departures throughout the day. The fare starts at around $10-$20 one way.
  3. BoltBus: The journey takes around 4-5 hours, with multiple departures throughout the day. The fare starts at around $10-$20 one way.
  4. Vermont Translines: This bus service operates from New York City's Port Authority Bus Terminal to Shelburne, Vermont, with a journey time of around 5 hours. The fare starts at around $40-$50 one way.

Please note that these times and fares are approximate and may vary depending on the time of day, traffic, and other factors. I recommend checking the bus companies' websites or a ticketing website like Wanderu for the most up-to-date information and to book your ticket.

Additionally, you can also consider taking a train or driving to Shelburne, Vermont. The train journey takes around 5-6 hours, and the drive takes around 4-5 hours depending on traffic.