Distance from new york to maryland by train
The distance from New York to Maryland by train depends on the specific route and type of train you take. Here are some approximate distances and travel times:
- New York City (Penn Station) to Baltimore, MD (Penn Station):
- Distance: approximately 170 miles (274 km)
- Travel time: around 2-3 hours by Acela Express or Northeast Regional train
- New York City (Penn Station) to Washington, D.C. (Union Station):
- Distance: approximately 225 miles (362 km)
- Travel time: around 3-4 hours by Acela Express or Northeast Regional train
- New York City (Penn Station) to Frederick, MD:
- Distance: approximately 60 miles (97 km)
- Travel time: around 1-2 hours by MARC Train (Maryland Area Regional Commuter) or Amtrak's Capitol Limited train
Please note that these distances and travel times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route, type of train, and any potential delays. It's always a good idea to check with the train operator or a journey planner website for the most up-to-date information and to book your tickets in advance.