Distance from new york to las vegas by train

A classic American road trip question!

Unfortunately, there is no direct train from New York to Las Vegas. However, you can take a train from New York to various cities in the western United States and then transfer to another train or bus to continue your journey to Las Vegas. Here's a possible route:

  1. Take the Amtrak Northeast Regional train from New York's Penn Station to Chicago's Union Station. The journey takes around 19 hours, depending on the route and type of train.
  2. From Chicago, take the Amtrak California Zephyr train to Emeryville, California (near San Francisco). The journey takes around 52 hours, passing through the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada.
  3. From Emeryville, take the Amtrak Coast Starlight train to Los Angeles' Union Station. The journey takes around 10 hours, passing through the Pacific Northwest and California's Central Valley.
  4. From Los Angeles, take the Amtrak Southwest Chief train to Las Vegas' Union Station. The journey takes around 5.5 hours, passing through the Mojave Desert.

The total travel time from New York to Las Vegas by train would be around 86.5 hours, depending on the routes and schedules. Keep in mind that this is a long journey, and you'll need to plan for accommodations and food along the way.

Here's a rough breakdown of the journey:

Total travel time: 86.5 hours

Please note that schedules and routes are subject to change, so it's always a good idea to check with Amtrak or a travel agent for the latest information and to book your tickets in advance.