Distance from new york to las vegas by car

The driving distance from New York City to Las Vegas, Nevada is approximately 2,796 miles (4,498 kilometers). The estimated drive time is around 40-50 hours, depending on traffic, road conditions, and the number of stops you make along the way.

Here's a breakdown of the driving route:

  1. From New York City, take I-80 W to I-76 W (Pennsylvania Turnpike) to I-70 W (approximately 750 miles, 12 hours)
  2. Continue on I-70 W through the Midwest, passing through Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas (approximately 700 miles, 10 hours)
  3. Take I-15 S from I-70 W to Las Vegas, Nevada (approximately 300 miles, 5 hours)

Some popular stops along the way include:

Keep in mind that this is just one possible route, and you may want to consider alternative routes or stops depending on your preferences and time constraints. Additionally, be sure to check for any road closures or construction along the way before embarking on your trip.