Distance from new york to houston by train

There is no direct train from New York to Houston. However, you can take a train from New York to Chicago and then transfer to another train to continue your journey to Houston. Here's a possible route:

  1. Take the Amtrak Lake Shore Limited train from New York's Penn Station to Chicago's Union Station. The journey takes around 19 hours, depending on the schedule and type of train.
  2. At Chicago's Union Station, transfer to the Amtrak Texas Eagle train, which goes from Chicago to San Antonio, Texas. The journey takes around 24 hours, depending on the schedule and type of train.
  3. From San Antonio, you can take a local train or bus to Houston, Texas. The journey takes around 3-4 hours, depending on the mode of transportation and traffic conditions.

Here's a breakdown of the approximate travel time and distance:

Total travel time: around 46-48 hours, depending on the schedule and type of train.

Please note that this is just one possible route, and there may be other options available depending on your specific travel plans and preferences. It's always a good idea to check with Amtrak or other train operators for the latest schedules and fares.