Distance from new orleans to portland oregon
The distance from New Orleans, Louisiana to Portland, Oregon is approximately:
- 2,796 miles (4,498 kilometers) by air
- 3,444 miles (5,540 kilometers) by car (via I-10 W and I-84 W)
- 3,600 miles (5,794 kilometers) by bus (via Greyhound or other bus companies)
The driving distance and time can vary depending on the route you take and the traffic conditions. The most common route is to take I-10 W from New Orleans to San Antonio, then connect to I-10 W again to reach Phoenix, and finally take I-84 W to reach Portland.
Here's a breakdown of the driving distance and time:
- New Orleans, LA to San Antonio, TX: 760 miles (1,223 km), 11 hours
- San Antonio, TX to Phoenix, AZ: 760 miles (1,223 km), 11 hours
- Phoenix, AZ to Portland, OR: 1,024 miles (1,651 km), 15 hours
- Total driving distance: 3,544 miles (5,704 km), 37 hours
Keep in mind that these estimates are approximate and may vary depending on your specific route and travel conditions.