Distance from new edinburgh to carleton university

According to Google Maps, the distance from New Edinburgh to Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada is approximately:

Here are the steps to get to Carleton University from New Edinburgh using public transit:

  1. From New Edinburgh, take the OC Transpo bus #12 or #14 from the New Edinburgh bus stop (located at the corner of Daly Avenue and Range Road) towards downtown Ottawa.
  2. Get off at the Elgin Street bus stop (located at the corner of Elgin Street and Cooper Street).
  3. From there, take the OC Transpo bus #1 or #7 towards Carleton University.
  4. Get off at the Carleton University bus stop (located at the corner of University Drive and Colonel By Drive).

Please note that public transit times and routes are subject to change, so it's always a good idea to check the OC Transpo website or a transit app like Transit Ottawa for the most up-to-date information.