Distance from maryland to new york
The distance from Maryland to New York depends on the specific locations within each state. Here are the approximate distances between some major cities in Maryland and New York:
- Baltimore, MD to New York City, NY: 215 miles (346 km), approximately 4-5 hour drive
- Annapolis, MD to New York City, NY: 220 miles (354 km), approximately 4-5 hour drive
- Frederick, MD to New York City, NY: 230 miles (370 km), approximately 4-5 hour drive
- Hagerstown, MD to New York City, NY: 240 miles (386 km), approximately 4-5 hour drive
If you're looking for a more precise estimate, you can use a mapping or GPS service like Google Maps or Waze to get the most up-to-date and accurate distance and driving time between specific locations in Maryland and New York.