Distance from chicago to new jersey by road

The driving distance from Chicago, IL to New Jersey depends on the specific location in New Jersey you are heading to. Here are the approximate driving distances and times from Chicago to some major cities in New Jersey:

Please note that these distances and times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route you take and any traffic or road conditions you encounter along the way.

Here are the general directions from Chicago to New Jersey:

  1. From Chicago, take I-90 E (Jane Addams Memorial Tollway) towards Indiana
  2. Continue on I-90 E through Indiana and into Ohio
  3. Merge onto I-80 E/I-90 E (Ohio Turnpike) towards Pennsylvania
  4. Continue on I-80 E/I-90 E through Pennsylvania and into New Jersey
  5. Take exit 1A for I-95 N/I-78 E towards New York City
  6. Continue on I-95 N/I-78 E through New Jersey and into New York City

Keep in mind that these directions are just a general guide, and you should check for any road closures or construction before embarking on your trip. Additionally, you may want to consider stopping for rest and food along the way, as the drive can be long and tiring.