Distance from abuja to new york
The distance from Abuja, Nigeria to New York, USA is approximately:
- 7,344 miles (11,823 kilometers) by air
- 9,300 miles (14,960 kilometers) by sea
Here are the flight details:
- Flight duration: around 12 hours and 30 minutes to 14 hours and 30 minutes, depending on the airline, route, and layovers
- Airlines: There are no direct flights from Abuja to New York. You can fly with airlines such as Ethiopian Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Lufthansa, British Airways, or Delta Air Lines, among others, with layovers in cities like Addis Ababa, Istanbul, Frankfurt, London, or Amsterdam.
Here are the sea route details:
- Distance by sea: around 9,300 miles (14,960 kilometers)
- Journey duration: around 14-21 days, depending on the type of vessel, weather conditions, and route taken
- Shipping lines: There are no regular passenger services from Abuja to New York by sea. However, you can consider shipping your vehicle or cargo by sea with companies like Maersk Line, COSCO Shipping, or CMA CGM.
Please note that these distances and times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken and any layovers or stops along the way.