Distance frim new orlleans to new york
The distance from New Orleans, Louisiana to New York City, New York is approximately:
- By air: 1,095 miles (1,759 km)
- By car: 1,444 miles (2,326 km)
- By bus: 1,444 miles (2,326 km)
- By train: 1,444 miles (2,326 km)
Here are the estimated travel times and modes of transportation:
- By air: 2.5 hours (flight duration) + 1-2 hours (check-in, security, and travel to/from airport)
- By car: 18-20 hours (depending on traffic and route)
- By bus: 20-24 hours (depending on route and stops)
- By train: 24-30 hours (depending on route and stops)
Please note that these estimates may vary depending on the specific route, mode of transportation, and time of day.