Distance blacksburg va new york price road

A road trip from Blacksburg, VA to New York!

Here are the details you requested:

Distance: The driving distance from Blacksburg, VA to New York City, NY is approximately 540 miles (870 km).

Time: The estimated drive time is around 8-9 hours, depending on traffic and the route you take.

Price: Gas prices can vary depending on the current market rate, but here's a rough estimate:

Road: The most common route from Blacksburg, VA to New York City, NY is:

  1. Take I-81 N from Blacksburg to I-78 E
  2. Continue on I-78 E to I-95 N
  3. Take I-95 N to I-287 E (New Jersey Turnpike)
  4. Take I-287 E to I-95 N (again)
  5. Take I-95 N to the George Washington Bridge (I-95 N becomes I-95 N/US-1 N)
  6. Cross the George Washington Bridge into New York City

Please note that traffic, road closures, and construction can affect your journey, so be sure to check for updates before you leave. Additionally, consider the cost of tolls, parking, and any potential accommodations or food stops along the way.