Distance between toronto to new jersey
The distance between Toronto, Ontario, Canada and New Jersey, USA depends on the specific location within New Jersey. Here are the approximate distances from Toronto to some major cities in New Jersey:
- Toronto, ON to Newark, NJ: 560 km (348 miles), approximately 6-7 hour drive or 1.5-2 hour flight
- Toronto, ON to Jersey City, NJ: 570 km (354 miles), approximately 6.5-7.5 hour drive or 1.5-2.5 hour flight
- Toronto, ON to Trenton, NJ: 640 km (398 miles), approximately 7-8 hour drive or 2-3 hour flight
- Toronto, ON to Atlantic City, NJ: 740 km (460 miles), approximately 8-9 hour drive or 2.5-3.5 hour flight
Please note that these distances are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken and any potential traffic or road conditions.