Distance between toronto and new york

The distance between Toronto, Ontario, Canada and New York City, New York, USA is approximately:

The driving distance between Toronto and New York City typically takes around 7-8 hours depending on traffic and the route you take. The most common route is along the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) and Interstate 90 (I-90) in the United States.

There are also several bus companies that operate daily services between Toronto and New York City, such as Greyhound, FlixBus, and Megabus, with journey times ranging from 8-10 hours.

By air, the flight duration from Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ) to one of New York City's three major airports (JFK, LGA, or EWR) is around 1 hour and 20 minutes. However, you'll need to factor in check-in time, security screening, and travel to and from the airport, which adds an additional 2-3 hours to your overall travel time.

Finally, the train journey from Toronto's Union Station to New York City's Penn Station takes around 12-13 hours, depending on the type of train and the route taken.