Distance between prince edwards island and new york
The distance between Prince Edward Island (PEI) and New York depends on the specific locations you are referring to. Here are the approximate distances:
- From Charlottetown, PEI (the capital city of PEI) to:
- New York City, NY: 1,044 km (649 miles)
- Albany, NY (the capital city of New York): 944 km (587 miles)
- Buffalo, NY: 1,044 km (649 miles)
- From Summerside, PEI (the second-largest city in PEI) to:
- New York City, NY: 1,064 km (660 miles)
- Albany, NY: 964 km (599 miles)
- Buffalo, NY: 1,064 km (660 miles)
These distances are approximate and were calculated using a direct line (as the crow flies) between the two locations. The actual distance traveled by car or air would be longer due to the need to follow roads and navigate around obstacles.
It's worth noting that there are no direct flights from Prince Edward Island to New York, so you would need to fly with a connection in another city, such as Toronto or Montreal. The flight duration from Charlottetown to New York City is approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, but the total travel time, including check-in, security, and layovers, would be longer.