Distance between newark and new york by road
The distance between Newark, New Jersey and New York City, New York by road is approximately 10-15 miles (16-24 kilometers), depending on the specific route taken.
Here are the estimated driving distances and times between Newark and New York City:
- Via I-78 E and I-95 N: 12 miles (19 kilometers), 20-30 minutes
- Via US-1/9 N and I-95 N: 10 miles (16 kilometers), 20-30 minutes
- Via NJ Turnpike (I-95 N) and I-78 E: 12 miles (19 kilometers), 25-40 minutes
- Via Holland Tunnel (I-78 E): 10 miles (16 kilometers), 30-45 minutes
Please note that these estimates are approximate and may vary depending on traffic, road conditions, and time of day. It's always a good idea to check for traffic updates and construction before embarking on your journey.