Distance between new york city and texas
The distance between New York City and Texas depends on the specific locations within each state. Here are the approximate distances between New York City and some major cities in Texas:
- New York City, NY to Houston, TX: 1,770 miles (2,850 km)
- New York City, NY to Dallas, TX: 1,760 miles (2,830 km)
- New York City, NY to San Antonio, TX: 1,830 miles (2,940 km)
- New York City, NY to Austin, TX: 1,840 miles (2,960 km)
The driving distance between New York City and Texas can vary depending on the route you take. Here are some approximate driving distances and times:
- New York City to Houston, TX: 1,770 miles (2,850 km), 26-30 hours
- New York City to Dallas, TX: 1,760 miles (2,830 km), 25-29 hours
- New York City to San Antonio, TX: 1,830 miles (2,940 km), 27-31 hours
- New York City to Austin, TX: 1,840 miles (2,960 km), 28-32 hours
Keep in mind that these are approximate distances and times, and actual driving times may vary depending on traffic, road conditions, and other factors.