Distance between new orleans and fairfield illinois
The distance between New Orleans, Louisiana and Fairfield, Illinois is approximately 760 miles (1,223 kilometers). The estimated drive time is around 11-12 hours, depending on traffic and the route you take.
Here are the directions:
- From New Orleans, take I-10 W towards Baton Rouge
- Continue on I-10 W for approximately 200 miles
- Merge onto I-55 N towards St. Louis
- Stay on I-55 N for approximately 450 miles
- Take exit 1 for IL-16 E towards Fairfield
- Follow IL-16 E for approximately 10 miles
- Arrive in Fairfield, IL
Please note that these directions are approximate and may vary depending on your specific starting and ending points. It's always a good idea to check for traffic updates and road closures before embarking on your journey.