Distance between new orleans and fairfield
The distance between New Orleans, Louisiana and Fairfield, California is approximately:
- 2,044 miles (3,294 km) by air
- 2,744 miles (4,415 km) by car (driving distance)
The estimated drive time from New Orleans to Fairfield is around 40-50 hours, depending on traffic and the route you take. The most common route would be to take I-10 W from New Orleans to I-8 W, then continue on I-8 W to I-5 N, and finally take I-5 N to Fairfield.
Here's a breakdown of the estimated drive time and distance between New Orleans and Fairfield:
- Day 1: New Orleans, LA to San Antonio, TX (approx. 760 miles, 12 hours)
- Day 2: San Antonio, TX to Tucson, AZ (approx. 560 miles, 8 hours)
- Day 3: Tucson, AZ to Bakersfield, CA (approx. 560 miles, 8 hours)
- Day 4: Bakersfield, CA to Fairfield, CA (approx. 140 miles, 2.5 hours)
Please note that these estimates are approximate and may vary depending on your specific route, traffic conditions, and the number of stops you make along the way.