Distance between michigan flint and new york
The distance between Flint, Michigan and New York City, New York is approximately:
- 460 miles (740 km) by car, depending on the route you take. The most common route is along I-90 E, which takes around 7-8 hours with normal traffic conditions.
- 540 miles (870 km) by air, which is the distance as the crow flies. Flight duration is around 1 hour and 15 minutes, but you need to factor in check-in time, security screening, and travel to and from the airport.
- 560 miles (900 km) by bus, which is the distance covered by bus companies like Greyhound or Megabus. The journey takes around 8-10 hours, depending on the route and traffic conditions.
Please note that these distances and times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route, traffic conditions, and mode of transportation you choose.