Distance between melbourne and new zealand
The distance between Melbourne, Australia and New Zealand depends on the specific locations within each country. Here are the approximate distances between Melbourne and some major cities in New Zealand:
- Melbourne, Australia to Auckland, New Zealand: 1,944 km (1,209 miles)
- Melbourne, Australia to Wellington, New Zealand: 2,044 km (1,271 miles)
- Melbourne, Australia to Christchurch, New Zealand: 2,144 km (1,333 miles)
- Melbourne, Australia to Queenstown, New Zealand: 2,244 km (1,394 miles)
The flight distance between Melbourne and Auckland is approximately 1,944 km (1,209 miles), and the flight duration is around 3 hours and 30 minutes. However, please note that flight distances and durations may vary depending on the specific flight route and airline.
It's also worth noting that there are no direct ferry services between Melbourne and New Zealand, so flying is the most common and convenient way to travel between the two countries.